In honor of Mine Rescue Day (October 30), The Doe Run Company celebrates the recent accomplishments of its Gray and Maroon mine rescue teams. The Maroon Team placed 2nd, and the Gray Team placed 6th, out of 43 teams in the Field Competition at the National Mine Rescue Contest. The Maroon and Gray teams also received high honors at the Missouri S&T Mine Rescue Competition.

Doe Run Maroon Mine Rescue Team at 2018 National Contest

Pictured: The Maroon Team at the National Mine Rescue Contest (left to right) Richie Brewer, Nathan Setzer, Luke Davis, Mark Barton, Jacob Piatt, Steve Setzer, Brandon Roderman, Jarred Tackett, and Andrew Hampton.



Doe Run Grey Mine Rescue Team at 2018 National Contest

Pictured: The Gray Team at the National Mine Rescue Contest (left to right): Randy Hill, James Gamblin, Charlie Walker, Chris Brawley, Wayne Marlin, Eric Click, and Garry Moore. Not pictured Steve Kearns.